In 2016, there were over six million car crashes in the United States—and that’s not even counting the 10 million or so crashes that went unreported! Sometimes car accidents are pretty much unavoidable, but taking extra safety precautions could help save your life.

So, where does Hurricane Windshield Wizard come in?
One of the easiest ways to be safe behind the wheel is to make sure you can see the road properly! A dirty, smudged windshield can impair your vision, making for a more dangerous ride. That’s where Hurricane Windshield Wizard comes in! Our convenient tool cleans your windshield and windows with minimal effort so you can see the road instead of dangerous smudges.
Features of Hurricane Windshield Wizard Include
- EXTENDED REACH: Hurricane Windshield Wizard’s extra-long arm makes it easy to reach every corner, nook, and cranny without straining and reaching.
- CHEMICAL-FREE: Get a streak-free clean with just water instead of those pricey—and potentially toxic—chemical cleaners.
- WASHABLE MICROFIBER HEADS: Hurricane Windshield Wizard uses microfiber bonnets to clean your glass. After cleaning, just throw them in the washer and use them again and again and again.
- COMPACT: Hurricane Windshield Wizard folds into a compact little package that fits almost anywhere (meaning it won’t take away precious space for all those crumpled napkins and rogue sunglasses in your glove compartment).
- VERSATILE: Hurricane Windshield Wizard is great for your car, your home, and pretty much anywhere else you need clean glass. It even cleans and polishes stainless steel—perfect for getting those greasy fingerprints off your refrigerator door!

Once your windshield is crystal-clear, use these safe-driving tips to be safe on the road and behind the wheel.
- Put your phone out of reach so you’re not tempted to look at it while behind the wheel!
- Turn on the radio and adjust your stations before putting your car into drive so there’s no need to fiddle with it on the road.
- Give yourself an extra 10 minutes of travel time. If your commute takes 20 minutes, give yourself 30 minutes (or even longer in bad weather) so you’re not tempted to speed and drive recklessly to get there on time.